Saturday, April 26, 2008

Camp Herrlich Reunion

Hello Again:

It's great to be able to just type something up and everyone gets to see it. Nothing to fold, no envelopes to stuff, no stamps, no charge. Some of this new techno stuff is really alright. It's just a darn shame it wasn't around years ago.Us old timers just don't understand all the ramifications of all this "new" stuff. Several of you emailed me concerning the blog, you can click on the"comments" prompt in the lower right hand corner of the page and let everyone see what you write. While I understand and appreciate the power of a bully pulpit, the real reason for this blog is to give everyone a voice. So, please feel free to comment.
The responses to the reunion questionaire have been extremely slow coming in. Please don't keep putting it off until you simply run out of time, money or vacation time and can't attend. To date, it looks like I'll be coming in from Indiana and joined by Rev. Ruben Colon from Georgia, Rev Ed Wiker and Rene from New Jersey, Karen (Kangas) Repka from New Jersey, Tyrone Wims from Philadelphia, Ralph Palumbo from the Bronx, Bob and Nancy Gundersen from Nyack, NY, Peter Gangsei from Wisconsin, Ruth (Heins)Phillips from Connecticutt, Karen Duehne and Eleanor (Duehne) Harrold from the Bronx. Kay(Brookshaw)Aho lives in the state of Washington and she'd like to attend. Norma (Olson)Levett will probably make the trip from North Carolina.Carol (Sautebin) Wright wants to come but hubby, Gordi Wright doesn't want to drive across NY to attend. Pat(Petersen)Puchalski wants to come in from Ohio but doesn't know if she can handle it and the start of her final school year at the same time. We'll work on Gordi and Pat. No one else has responded. What's up with the rest of you? A lot of your friends appear willing to travel a good distance to see you. Come join us. It's only a few days and you don't have to stay all weekend. Please help us fill the camp!
For those of you who have not kept up with the camp through the years, you can catch up at their website:
For those of you contemplating flying in, please make sure you check flights through the airport in Newburgh, New York, it's only about thirty minutes from the camp and you don't have to deal with any New York City traffic.
Thanks to Rev. Ruben Colon! He kept up with Hector Maldonado through the years so one more has been located.
June graduates: Ruth (Heins) Phillips youngest son will be graduating from law school next month.
Our oldest daughter will be graduating from Smith College in May.
Great accomplishments: Last Monday, April 21, 2008, our former lifeguard and cancer survivor, Pat(Petersen) Puchalski, conquered the Boston Marathon for the third time in three tries. Her time was 4:39:35. To the uninitiated, that means she ran the over 26 mile long course in a little over four and a half hours at a speed of almost ten miles an hour. I get tired just thinking about doing anything for four and a half hours. Imagine running that long! Well done Pat!
Regardless of your political view, please remember that our young men in war zones deserve your prayers, Norma (Olson) and John 's Levett's daughter's fiance is stationed in Baghdad.
Love, Peace,
'Big Jim"

Friday, April 25, 2008

Camp Herrlich Reunion


Well here we go! The old guy using another of the new-fangled techno-toys. Thanks to Norma (Olsen) Levett, who came up with the idea, I can get info out to everyone a bit easier. And, you can respond!?!
First, if you are not already aware, we will be having a reunion of the members of the 1968-1971 Camp Wilbur Herrlich staffs. The reunion willbe held at the camp over Labor Day weekend, August 29- September 1, 2008. If you worked there then, please make every effort to attend. We are all getting older, five of our members have already passed on, please take advantage of this opportunity. You need not stay the whole weekend, but please get there.
We are planning to do something along the lines of a yearbook updating the info on everyone. We will be working on this some over the weekend.If possible, bring along a decent photo from your Herrlich years and one of your family now.
I've spent a good deal of time trying to relocate everyone. The following is a list of those located thus far:
1968: Rev. Ed and Rene Wiker, Norma (Hanauer) Martin, Norma (Olsen)Levett, John Levett, Tyrone Wims, Karen (Kangas) Repka, Ralph Palumbo, Warner Wims, Dorothy (Walker) Shonsey, Rev. Gerry Gengenbach, Judy (Elevick) Reilly, Karla (Supienko) Edwards, Walter Haag, Kay (Brookshaw) Aho, Rev. Ralph Midtlyng, Richie Midtlyng, Sandy (Heverly) Marin, Sean Deneny, Becky (Ludwig) Gibbons, Pat (Petersen) Puchalski, George Kitz, and Rev. Ruben Colon.
Deceased: Bill Coombs, Mary Jo Vircks, and Jim Jacobson.
1969: Rev. Ed And Rene Wiker, Art Baddof, Judy (Elevick) Reilly, Peter Gangsei, Rev. Gerry Gengenbach, Walter Haag, Karen (Kangas) Repka, Betsy Larson, Linda (Larsen) DeLong, Kathy (Miller) Stange, Rev. Ralph Midtlyng, Richie Midtlyng, Marsha Nyberg-Leabman, Gloria Pabon, Ralph Palumbo, Steve Perge, Pat (Petersen) Puchalski, Larry Rhodebeck, Bill Schnelli, John Shouse, Martha Singer, Linda (Walters/Shouse) Turner, and Jeanne Zammataro.
Deceased: Bill Coombs, Debbie Tyrrel, and Kathy (Connelly) Lillestolen.
1970: Bob and Nancy Gundersen, Ralph Palumbo, TyroneWims, Peter Gangsei, Larry Rhodebeck, Karen (Kangas) Repka, Carol (Sautebin) Wright, Sandy Minkus, Steve Perge, Ruth(Heins) Phillips, Rev. Ruben Colon, Sheila (Berg) McCurdy, Mary (Jerard) Kenny, Merrily Szantor, George Kitz, Helen (Lundgren)Newman, Rev. Ralph Midtlyng, Richie Midtlyng, Kristi Vaiden, Mitchell Wright, and Gordi Wright.
Deceased: Debi Tyrrel
1971: Bob and Nancy Gundersen, Bette Bommer, Rev. Donald Burggraf, Eleanor (Duehne) Harrold, Shirley Furtick, Peter Gangsei, Mary (Jerard) Kenny, Kathryn (Kerr) Belscher, Rev. Ralph Midtlyng, Richie Midtlyng, Sany Minkus, Tom Murphy, Deborah Negro, Steve Perge, Larry Rhodebeck, Sue (Schuette-Weidger) LaLama, Mary Simon, and Paul Weidiger.
Deceased: Kathy (Connelly) Lillestolen.
If you know the whereabouts of anyone not listed, please get their info to me as soon as possible. Thank you!